2008 m. lapkričio 7 d., penktadienis

Summary: Introduction to psychology

Robert S. Feldmans book Understanding psychology theme called Introduction to psychology, which is divided into three modules. The main purpose of these modules is to introduce readers to psychology as a science.

In the first module called Psychologists at work author introduces readers to psychology and its subfields from a scientific point of view. However, Feldman describes major career choices of psychology and puts psychology as a science to a practical use.

Next module is called A Science Evolves: the Past, the Present, the Future. In this module Robert S. Feldman shows the evolution of science to particular science of psychology. Moreover, differences and points of view of understanding psychology between past and future

The last module is called Key Issues And Controversies of Psychology. In this module author introduces to different fields of psychology and shows what are the main differences between these fields by giving examples. Moreover, author states that in future psychology as a science will be more connected to different social issues. Feldman writes the people should be more critical to commercials related to psychology.

In conclusion, these three modules give reader a basic understanding of what is psychology. In the concrete, the historical, practical and scientific side of psychology.

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