2008 m. lapkričio 30 d., sekmadienis

Learning ESP

ESP literally translated means English for Specific Purposes. This means that specific English is learned in specific types of study, for instance - Psychology. Learning ESP is quite easy, when you know how to...
Firstly, the hardest part of ESP is learning and remembering new words. Using a definition dictionary might make it much easier. Also most ESP words are international, so only few letters may differ, but the meaning of the word is still the same.
Next, it is not enough to remember these words, you also must know how to write them, when to use this or that word according to the context of the text. So understanding the whole text is essential.
Lastly, pronunciation may be hard even for well well-spoken people. It is because ESP language is different than simple English that is taught in schools or seen on TV. Easiest way is just to listen to people of that study talk and try to repeat them, for example listening to psychologist's talk at the public lecture.
In conclusion, all these methods of learning ESP can make studies easier. But the only sure solution is to just practice, do assignments related to ESP and so on.

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