2008 m. gruodžio 12 d., penktadienis

Self-assessment of success in learning ESP

Writing a summary

I personally never had chance to write summaries before. Although I wrote few summaries I feel that I became better during these practices.

Writing comprehension tests on modules in psychology

At first I didn’t know what tests would be like and how should they be done. But after few tests I got it and I can that I am quite good at it.

Making power point presentations

Well all presentations that I have done during this semester are very similar, they only differ by language or main theme. However, there is a standard applied to all presentation, which I now fully understand.

Impromptu speaking in class

Sometimes I have trouble expressing myself, because I am short on words or jus can’t remember these words, which are related to studies of psychology. But the level of oral English is increasing.

Performance in listening practice

It was always easy to understand what are speakers trying to say. The hardest part for me is trying to hear a certain part of the speech and not concentrating on the gist of the whole speech.

Writing contributions to e-portfolio (weblog)

It is interesting to write contributions on different aspects of psychology. Finding the information, using Internet or books, as material for my contributions was useful for me.

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