2009 m. gegužės 13 d., trečiadienis

End-of-term self-assessment

Writing (a summary)

I haven’t noticed any significant changes of my skills in writing a summary. So, it is hard to tell my achievements or misfortunes.

Performance in ESP vocabulary tests

Baldly speaking, I have failed at this point. My performance is less that average in these tests.

Performance in class dictations

Even though I make some errors, especially punctuation, I am quite good at it.

Listening practice in class

Listening assignments are also quite easy, however I sometimes can not escape from making few errors.

Listening to peers’ power point presentations

Sometimes it is very hard to understand what presenter is trying to say or to read. It think is because of their different accents.

Making power point presentations

This assignment is more time-consuming than it is difficult, but I don’t seem to have any problems with making and presenting a presentation in class.

Short talks on ESP themes in class

These talks require speaking in impromptu and it is sometimes hard to remember to mention all things fluently.

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