2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis


Phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations. Fortunately, these disorders are treatable.

Siderodromophobia is an abnormal fear of train travel and people that have this disorder may feel nervous when being near railroads or traveling by train. Sigmund Froid – a famous psychologist had Siderodromophobia. This phobia can be treated with behavior therapies and anti-anxiety medication.

Agoraphobia is fear of public or open spaces. Surprisingly, Marlin Monroe a famous actor suffered from this anxiety disorder. One of the most commonly used is psychotherapy that focuses on decreasing negative, anxiety-provoking, or other self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.

In conclusion, people who have phobias suffer anxiety from objects or situations that normally shouldn’t. At this time these phobias can be cured either by therapies or by medication.


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