2008 m. lapkričio 12 d., trečiadienis

Psychology of laughter

Laughter is an expression of happiness or joy. But is this all that there is to it? Psychologists would say no. Moreover, there is a study of laughter and humor called gelotology.

Firstly, laughter may ensue from certain stimuli. Verbal such as jokes, funny stories, ect., physical like tickling and visual stimuli - TV shows, cartoons. However, it may be a combination of all of these stimuli, which leads to higher production of laughter.

Secondly, psychologists that study gelotology came to conclusion that laughter helps to protect the heart. The main reason is that in stress situation a hormone called serum cortical is produced and this hormone damages endothelium (a barrier that prevents cholesterol build in humans heath and arteries). As we laugh serum cortical is decreased and our heath is more protected.

Lastly, there are therapies that helps to produce laugh. One of these therapies is called humor therapy (therapeutic humor). This type of therapy may be done individually or in a group (it’s difficult to people with the same sense of humor) using any sort of humorous materials such as movies, books, stories. However, a trainer clinician has to be involved and not just to observe, but also to participate.

In conclusion, laughter is produced every day and it is important not only to our physical, but also psychological health. Therapies and researches of laugher are becoming more popular these days, so as people say: “Laughter is the best medicine”.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org

2 komentarai:

Shyzzandra rašė...

Accurate, brief, clear. You've learned the lesson very well :D I like your English - it's not hard to understand but there are words and contructions that aren't so ordinary. Intersting :)
Could you change the background of your blog or maybe paste some pictures? My eyes feel exausted :DDD

Shyzzandra rašė...

InterEsting. Sorry for mistake :D